Tuesday, December 04, 2007


This is one local fruit in which I am at the mercy of the vendor, for I have absolutely no idea whether they're really from Davao or not, or if from a good variety at all. Although sometimes, a vendor would offer an open fruit from which you can get a taste of (or tikim). But then again, what you're buying is still completely covered by a tough and thick peel. At any rate, the good ones that I managed to buy are, indeed, juicy and sweet.

Suha is sometimes referred to as pomelo or shaddock, after an English sea captain, Captain Shaddock, who introduced the seed to the West Indies in the 17th century from the Malay Archipelago.

It also has curative uses such as against nausea and fainting by squeezing its rind near the nostrils while inhaling. And there are some folks who boil suha seeds in a gallon of water to use as sitz-bath.

These days, suha from Davao costs 60-to-70 pesos a kilo in the Quiapo area.


posted by Señor Enrique at 4:37 AM


Blogger nutart said...

that photo makes my mouth drool :-)!

I managed to have some seeds from a suha from Davao grow...until the summer came, and my young gardener forgot to water it while i was gone! Now, consider me a detached person but that incident made me text her several times just to voice my anger and disappointment :-). Aaargh!

I am trying once more...with the three seeds my sister was able to get out of the suhas she bought in Davao. She teased me about my courage and obsession in growing a Davao suha tree...ten years to bear fruit if it grows at all :-).

December 04, 2007 8:49 AM  

Blogger ScroochChronicles said...

Suha is one of my favorite fruits. The one's from Davao are ok. But try to get the smaller ones. The big ones can sometimes be on the dry side.

You should try the ones from Nueva Vizcaya. They're huge and so juicy. Some of them are not the red variety. More like the one's from Bangkok actually. The pulp is white to yellowish.

I remember having a suha eating marathon in Singapore a few years ago. We found a vendor near the Bugis junction selling the juiciest and sweetest suha ever. I swear, my husband and I were eating a piece (as big as a small coconut) each every evening :)

December 04, 2007 9:36 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomelo; really juicy fruits. Sometimes used during prayers (in the Chinese community). We usually get to eat this fruit when Chinese New Year comes because it is one of the gifts that people usually give.


December 04, 2007 11:48 AM  

Blogger pusa said...

omg this suha looks so delicious, juicy and sweet, i want one now!!! you're making me crave señor! =)

December 04, 2007 4:28 PM  

Blogger Tina said...

Excellent shot looks so tangible- what a deliciously rich hue. Suha is a bit like grapefruit isn't it?

December 04, 2007 6:58 PM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

I think grapefruit is a descendant of suha, Tina. But my experiences with grapefruit is that I never had a sweet one. Neither do I like its juice with vodka; prefer the sweeter orange juice or cranberry with it.

Many thanks; just wish I had used a background other than black.

December 04, 2007 8:11 PM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

Hehehe ... suha from Davao is quite plentiful these days in the Quiapo area, Pusa :) I was going to get a couple earlier but I had so much to carry already.

December 04, 2007 8:12 PM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

Wow! I had no idea that pomelo has become a traditional fruit to enjoy during the Chinese New Year. Many thanks for sharing this info, Kyels!

December 04, 2007 8:13 PM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

A friend from Dumaguete and I were talking about suha this afternoon, Scrooch, and he agreed with what you said about always choosing the smaller ones.

Hmmm ... I wonder if there are suha from Nueva Vizcaya in the Manila markets? Divisoria maybe.

A suha marathon? Delish! My mouth is watering now ... hehehe.

December 04, 2007 8:16 PM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

Would you believe, Bernadette, that I couldn't help myself while taking this photograph? I just had to eat some before proceeding the shoot ... hehehe.

My friend from Dumaguete said that they've also planted some Davao suha seeds in their backyard, and now anxiously awaiting for the tree to bear its first bunch of fruits anytime soon :) How exciting, indeed!

December 04, 2007 8:19 PM  

Blogger Aura said...

Hmmm,looks good..Did´nt even had a chance to eat suha when we went to davao last yr!Though i usually have grapefruit here for breakfast.

SE,try eating grapefruit this way.... Cut it into half then sprinkle it with a with a teaspoon or less of sugar. Its yummy!

December 04, 2007 9:25 PM  

Blogger Ruy said...

What nice looking suha you have there! This is one of the fruits I don't mind peeling (as long as it's from Davao that is).

December 04, 2007 10:21 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Sarap naman. Iba talaga ang suha ng Davao. Nakakapaglaway naman ang picture na ito. :D

December 04, 2007 10:35 PM  

Blogger Ebb Tide said...

Hi! Enjoyed reading your other past posts, but I wil comment on this particular photo of the suha. I have never seen a more beautiful and delightful open suha as this. Love the details and lighting. Very impressive.... like a real still life painting. I already linked you blog to mine. Thanks for the connection.

December 05, 2007 1:40 AM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

Many thanks for your kind words, Ebb Tide!

I try to share with friends abroad our local fruits in season so, I take pictures before eating them ... hehehe.

December 05, 2007 6:48 AM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

Now that Scrooch has given me some tips on how to best buy suha, I wil be feasting more on this fruit while it's in season, LAR :)

December 05, 2007 6:52 AM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

You should have seen my niece's long face while peeling these suha for me, Ruy. But I convinced her that it was for the art of photography so she got those two peeled just right for me ... hehehe.

December 05, 2007 6:53 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother and I have over a thousand trees planted in our farm in Batangas. They're 2 years old now and bearing fruits but the commercial quantity will be during the 4th year. Yes, they're grafted from the UP los Baños Agriculture department.
You're right Sñr Enrique, Grapefruits are a cross of Pumelo and Tangerine. The Texas Red from Río Grande are so far the sweetest.
A couple of months ago, I planted from seeds the Texas Red grapefruit here in the US and after 3 months, I transported them inside my luggage to the Philippines. They are now growing happily in the Farm. Since they grew from seeds and not grafter, it will take longer to fruit. Nevertheless, I am hoping we can produce them in commercial quantities in the Philippines.
The good thing about Pummelo is that, you can share one fruit with a group of people and enjoy the sweetness and the fiber in our deficient diets.

December 05, 2007 6:55 AM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

You know what I used to use instead of sugar, Aura? Cinnamon powder! Yum! But I'm sure sugar is a delight as well :)

Hmmm .. I just remembered having those special knives for eating grapfruits.

December 05, 2007 6:55 AM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

Wow! Many thanks for sharing your efforts with us, Anonymous! I, for one, wish you the very best and trust your farm will thrive in producing the sweetest varieties of suha and grapefruits.

Perhaps, during your harvest on the 4th year, we will all be invited to visit and photograph, as well as be allowed to purchase a bunch :)

Good luck and please keep us posted!

Again, many thanks!

December 05, 2007 7:41 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post reminds me of the huge "kabugao" or pomelo tree at back of my grandfather's house. We used to get this big kabugao or suha fruits and boy were they sweet.

Funny because you only realize how great these little things are when you miss them bad because they are not readily available. :)

December 05, 2007 8:43 AM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

I can relate with your sentiment, BW. My Tia Isabel had a papaya tree whose fruits were always within reach from her balcony. Came a point we took it for granted. When it was downed by Pinatubo eruption, everyone started to miss it ... hehehe.

December 05, 2007 9:25 AM  

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! That is a mouth-watering photo, Eric! They look sweet and juicy--I could almost taste it!:-) My favorite fruit, great source of fiber. Kahit mahal 'to sa supermarket, pikit-matang bumibili pa rin ako. Everytime I go to Davao, I bring home at least 3 boxes of pomelo. And my friend in Davao sends me pomelo whenever there's somebody who's willing to hand-carry a box to Manila.

Masarap sya isawsaw sa patis or sa toyo. hehehe

And a pomelo tree laden with fruits is a sight to see.

December 05, 2007 12:53 PM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

Guess, Luna, best bet is to take a trip to Davao and buy some suha over there. I'm sure it's abundant of this delicious fruits and not as pricey as here in Manila.

December 05, 2007 5:37 PM  

Blogger Amadeo said...

In Mindanao and in some Visayas areas like Cebu, these fruits are called baungon. Typically, the fruit itself has a transparent color, rather than with the pinkish/reddish hue as pictured.

At present, Davao produces the ones widely marketed, juicy, sweet, and not too large, and the pinkish variety. But in the past, Cebu was also known for it.

December 07, 2007 7:19 AM  

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