Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Related links:
Interfaith rally: 3 Makati, pagharang at panggigipit sa mga taga DLSU-Dasmariñas - The Four-eyed Journal
A throne of bayonets - MLQ3
March for truth and anti-corruption - Wish You Were Here
posted by Señor Enrique at 7:14 AM
- said...
rallying for truth and justice is a noble cause. great shots!
- reyd said...
Just like the pre-martial law days and after, the students amassing on the streets and expressing their beliefs contributed greatly to the downfall of the Marcos era.
I'm really hoping that all these rallies and demonstrations would settle something and awaken the true spirits of every Filipinos.- Photo Cache said...
you're in the line of fire senor. i like your coverage on these rallies. do you meet fellow bloggers here?
- nutart said...
deja vu! Great shot, Eric! I wonder if you take this pics side by side with those of the pictures of the Marcos times...will they look the same? I was quite young then but I recall the activist youth during those times were...well, feisty-er. Now, they're perhaps the fathers or grandfathers of these youths.
- said...
If only those people know their faces are being seen WorldWide!
paolo- Señor Enrique said...
It is indeed a noble cause, Luke. First instances of student revolt I had witnessed were during the Nixon era in NYC.
Thanks!- Señor Enrique said...
Not sure how profound a change these students will eventually spark, Reyd, but their swelling presence in these events are not something to be ignored.
- Señor Enrique said...
I believe they are very much aware of it, Paolo; however, there are those who choose to cover their faces. But for the most part, most of this rally's participants were proud to be there :)
- Señor Enrique said...
Thank you, Photo Cache. No, I haven't had the chance to run into other fellow bloggers but I find it exciting that many of them have started to attend these events and then later blog about them.
I usually run into other photographer friends but would end up going our separate ways and would then run into another again later on. You see, oftentimes, a photographer has a particular vision he seeks and this explains why he may tend to run off on his own at times.- Señor Enrique said...
I wouldn't be surprised at all, Bernadette, if some of these young folks turn out to be the offspring of those who marched at EDSA.
Unfortunately, I as in NYC when it happened and only saw images of which on television, including Marcos' interview with Ted Koppel of ABC News.- said...
I like the first pic. It gives a good glimpse of the amgnitude of that incredible crowd last Friday.
Pero sana, huwag nang makialam sa mga ganitong rally ang mga politicians. They are using the rallies to gain pogi or beauty points from the public. Iniisip nila kasi, makakadagdag boto.
During the pre-martial law era, if you couldn't define your true color, and you try to join rallies, you'd be going home with the smell of rotten tomatoes.- said...
I am proud of these students. I am happy that they are expressing their anger, disgust, disappointment, etc. After all, this is a fight for their own future.
Let us egg them on. It is always good for a country when its youth is vigilant.- Unknown said...
Oh, the excitement of being in a protest rally, a confetti parade at Ayala Avenue. This rally was supposedly a gathering of young idealists, a collective for truth and accountability. But with Erap and Cory on stage, the interfaith rally became the politicians’ venue to vent their self-righteous indignation! Perhaps Tita Cory forgot all about the Kamag-anak, Inc. during her term, while Erap has the cheek to remind us of his “under-stay” in Malacanang, as if it was everybody’s fault but his! I say, they’re praying hypocrites pretending to be patriots! I don’t think the change we seek can be found in these street rallies, or in Senate hearings that seem to seek only the front-page of the newspapers, and a TV mileage.
- said...
With everyone clamoring for justice, Gloria has some explaining to do. For a change, I think this time all people involved in the imbroglio need to be prosecuted. Gloria's resignation won't do much to heal the wound :(
- Sidney said...
They will need much bigger crowds to unseat President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
What can you do with less than 50,000 people? One million or even half a million people would be a serious.- dailyphotographer said...
hi senor. wow, you went there. great shots. mind if i ask are you a photojournalist? Coz you've got great photos of recent, hot events in the country.
- Señor Enrique said...
Hi Rhoda,
The appearance of politicians and their addressing the crowd became a major issue to some folks. However, perhaps, there would be a better understanding of the parameters in the future rallies so as not to upset anyone. This is after all a unity march for a good cause.- Señor Enrique said...
I agree with you Bugsy!
Because in doing such, our young people are participating in a healthy exercise of their democratic rights. What is democracy after all if these young people -- and everyone else for that matter -- are not allowed to express their opinions.- Señor Enrique said...
Let's not forget, either, Luna that this was the same crowd that cried for their ouster not so long ago ... hehehe.
But seriously, the stage and microphone on that particular day should have been for the leaders of various religious and civic groups only. However, I bet Tita Cory and Tito Erap meant well.- Señor Enrique said...
That's right, BW. All those involved should come clean, so to speak -- not only Pangulong Gloria and her husband.
- Señor Enrique said...
Yes, 50,000 is not enough, Sidney. However, this may be the beginning of a bigger rolling ball in full force. It all depends on the continued spirit of the masses.
- Señor Enrique said...
Thanks, DP! Yes, I am one, or at least, trying to be ... hehehe!