Friday, December 09, 2011

Moving on forward

From the streets of Manila to the beaches of Bohol . . .

Come and join my discoveries of some fun stuff around here: Turning Boholano

It's my new blog!

Please note:

I very much appreciate my articles and photos appearing on fellow bloggers' sites, popular broadsheets, and local broadcast news segments, but I would appreciate even more a request for permission first.

Thank you!


posted by Señor Enrique at 12:59 PM


Anonymous Luna Miranda said...

whoa, great to see you blogging again! and in Bohol--wow! i imagine droves of visitors going to Bohol after reading your posts.:p

welcome back, Eric!

December 09, 2011 8:53 PM  

Anonymous LAR said...

Congrats Señor Enrique for a new blog. Still remember me? LAR of and the former sapot-litrato photoblog. :D It's been a long time since you blogged. :D Nice to see you again.

I hope to see more posts from you. Mabuhay! :D

December 09, 2011 10:20 PM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...


Felt like I covered Manila for so long, nawalan na ako ng proweba. Here in Bohol is so much for me to discover and share. It inspired me to go back to photography and story-telling!

Nice to hear from you, too!

December 10, 2011 8:27 PM  

Blogger Señor Enrique said...

Hehehe ... I've got a feeling you guys know more about Bohol than I do; hence, looking forward for you all to give me tips, such as places for me to visit around here.

Let me know, too, when you come to visit Bohol, Luna!

December 10, 2011 8:29 PM  

Blogger Unknown said...

I always wonder what BOHOL looks like, thanks for sharing some part of Bohol. I hope this year my Bohol plans will be push through.


December 15, 2011 7:20 PM  

Blogger carlotta1924 said...

ah, what a nice surprise to see you up and blogging again! it's been a long time. and now you're in bohol, wow! visiting your new blog as i am typing this. :)) happy new year senor!

January 04, 2012 3:29 PM  

Blogger JayAshKal said...

Welcome back to Blogging 'Tito Eric'... I am sure a lot of your fans [including myself] & net friends glad that you're back & inspired to write & take pictures. Thank you for sharing your thoughts & photos!

Mario aka jayashkal

February 07, 2012 7:45 AM  

Anonymous fabulous lawyer said...

i'm glad you are back to blogging. im looking forward to your witty posts. =)

March 21, 2012 6:14 PM  

Blogger Ash said...

Hi! I would like to share your articles on a website that promotes the philippines. I would like to gain your permission to do so, and a link to your RSS feed.

July 08, 2012 7:21 PM  

Blogger Liza on Maui said...

yay, a new blog! he's baaaaacccckk!

July 24, 2012 3:47 PM  

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Life in Manila as observed by a former New Yorker who with a laptop and camera has reinvented himself as a storyteller. Winner of the PHILIPPINE BLOG AWARDS: Best Photo Blog in 2007 and three Best Single Post awards in 2008.


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