Sunday, September 30, 2007


While reviewing the shots I took of this geode yesterday, I suddenly remembered a quote by Plato that I came across online:

"A sensible man will remember that the eyes may be confused in two ways - by a change from light to darkness or from darkness to light; and he will recognize that the same thing happens to the soul."

And as I prepared for bed, thinking of another desk lamp I ought to get in Quiapo to improve the shots I took of the geode earlier in the evening, a passage from Gary Zukav's The Seat Of The Soul also came to mind as if to enhance Plato's quote. It reads in part:

"The human emotional spectrum can be broken down into two basic elements: love and fear. Anger, resentment, and vengeance are expressions of fear, as are guilt, regret, embarassment, shame, and sorrow. These are lower-frequency currents of energy. They produce feelings of depletion, weakness, inability to cope and exhaustion. The highest-frequency current, the highest energy current, is love. It produces buoyancy, radience, lightness and joy."

Have a wondrous Sunday everyone!


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posted by Señor Enrique at 6:49 AM | 14 comments

Saturday, September 29, 2007


At first glance, this bag may appear rather unassuming, or more aptly, unglamorous. But in the States, it's regarded as a tough and yet elegant utilitarian bag, because of its 24 oz. cotton canvas and that it exudes panache with practicality, if you will.

The smaller ones are referred to as tote bags, while the bigger, extra-large ones (as featured in the above photo) are called boat bags.
They're washable and ideal for shopping and weekend outings, and has been a traditional favorite with American folks of all ages. I've seen investment bankers on their way to work on Fridays with their boat bags filled with weekend getaway stuff, as well as carpenters who use them for lugging around their tools. Mine is old but still sturdy as ever. I got it in Maine during one summer vacation. However, those I gave as birthday or Christmas gifts in the past were ordered online from L.L. Bean.

The main reason I recommend this canvas bag as pasalubong to our local folks besides its functionality, is to also help promote it as a viable alternative to the ubiquitous plastic bags that seriously threaten our environment. Our fellow blogger, Toe, also posted an article about the perils posed by these plastic bags. She also made mention of the reusable canvas bags that her sister has created, BYOB - Bring Your Own Bag, as an anti-plastic advocacy and livelihood project.

Incidentally, for our fellow Pinoys who are living abroad and may not be planning to come home anytime soon, but are now starting to fill a couple of balikbayan boxes for their loved ones to be shipped and delivered in time for Christmas, may I suggest including one or two of these utilitarian, environment-friendly boat bags.


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posted by Señor Enrique at 9:11 AM | 19 comments

Friday, September 28, 2007


First time I saw this green glass globe was in a quaint gift shop in Greenwich Village in downtown, New York City. There must be a hundred of them in various sizes that filled a huge basket (tiklis); all of them used, not new -- being sold from five to ten dollars each. When the shop owner told me they came from the Philippines, I started scratching my head wondering what they were used for. She added that her customers would buy a few to put in a nice basket as home decor.

A year later when I moved to Manila, I was pleasantly surprised when a cousin gave me two -- a large and a small one (the latter is featured in the photo above). She said she got them from Vigan, and that these glass globes were used as weights to fishing nets. Although she couldn't give me an exact per piece price (since she got them in bulk, a tiklis load), she claimed they were rather cheap.

Anyway, next time you guys visit Vigan, buy a few of these as gifts to friends, especially for those balikbayans. You can also get some nice woven baskets from Quiapo's sa ilalim ng tulay handicraft market.


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posted by Señor Enrique at 7:00 AM | 30 comments

Thursday, September 27, 2007


"Where'd you get that?" I asked my co-worker Oleg one morning as I passed by his cubicle while he was eating an ensaymada with his morning coffee. "Have you found yourself a Filipina girlfriend?" I teased him.

Oleg was born and raised in Moscow and had immigrated to New York during the IT boom years. In front of the bus stop in Jersey City where he lives, is a Filipino bakery shop. He was always attracted by the ensaymada so, one day he bought one; he has been hooked ever since.

The bakery in the above photo is located right on Plaza Miranda in front of Quiapo Church. I love baked foodstuffs although they're usually consisted of simple carbos -- from pan de coco to ube bread.

But I bet everyone has a certain favorite. What's yours?

By the way, do you guys remember the peanut bar -- those inch-and-a-half, individually-wrapped squares of ground peanut sandwiched in sweetened crispy flakes? I love them, too.


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posted by Señor Enrique at 7:47 AM | 50 comments

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This may be old news to most enthusiasts, but for those Manilenyos who still have not heard about it, or about to forget to submit their entries, here are the details:

The contest covers all images of Manila taken from September 1 until the deadline for submission on October 15,2007. People, events, lifestyle, everyday scenes, landmarks and anything that will speak of the character of historic Manila in the present settings.

Deadline and submission:
All entries must be received by October 15, 2007 before 7:00 pm

* First Prize: 30,000 Php
* Second Prize: 15,000.00 Php
* Third Prize: 5,000.00 Php
* 4th-10th prizes - free enrollment for PhotoWorld Asia 2008.

Open to all photographers, professionals or amateurs. Works must be original and unpublished. The participant must be the original author and
sole owner of his or her photo entry. Entry forms are available upon submission of entries. Print size: 8" x 10" color prints only. Printed in authorized FUJIFILM/YKL outlets.

Please submit entries to Room 302-Annex, Femii Building, A. Soriano Avenue, Intramuros, Manila.

Please identify image you submit with the date and place where the photo was taken with your name, signature and phone number at the back of the print.

For further information:
Telephone: 524-7576 or 528-0371; telefax: 525-5792
Email: info@photoworldmani lito.beltran@ fotoatwork@gmail. com
Website: and

Good luck everybody!



posted by Señor Enrique at 1:19 PM | 16 comments


Metropulis, an architect who blogs about his visions for a better Manila has a wonderful idea for this particular stretch of waterfront as shown in the above photograph. He proposes to turn it into a swimming pool park -- "an archipelago of pools and floating open spaces, accessible via floating raft or a small boat."

Furthermore, Metropulis claims, "the design will give the illusion of swimming in the waters of Manila Bay" and will not alter the image of
Roxas Boulevard with its flank of coconut trees and glorious sunsets.

And instead of a beach in Baywalk, perhaps, this swimming pool idea should be given serious consideration by Mayor Lim and other appropriate city officials.

here to see images of this wonderful Manila Pool City proposal, as well as read about Metropulis' other thoughts and concepts.

Incidentally, those vertical steel beams at the far distance in the above photograph, mark the construction site of Ocean Park Manila which is right behind the Quirino Grandstand in Luneta Park.


posted by Señor Enrique at 7:30 AM | 12 comments

Monday, September 24, 2007


The 1.2-hectare Luneta Board­walk Platform facing Manila Bay behind the Quirino Grandstand is currently a 24-hour beehive of activities as hundreds of construction workers strive to finish the first phase of Ocean Park Manila in time for the upcoming Christmas season.

As many Manilenyos know by now, Ocean Park Manila will be a state-of-the-art complex consisting of an oceanarium, a Marine Discovery Park, promenade areas, a boardwalk and a themed and landscaped pavilion. Swimming and snorkeling facilities for visitors are also included in the project.

The oceanarium, the park's premier attraction, is designed as a unique and world-class educational and entertainment facility dedicated to showcase the rich and diverse marine life of the Philippine aquatic environment. It will boast a transparent acrylic-made tunnel to provide visitors the experience of walking underwater and viewing sea creatures.

The three-story Bay Pavilion is another grand attraction, with a 15,566-square meter floor area for retail shops, souvenir shops, restaurant facilities and a plaza for special shows and activities. Its top floor will feature a specially-designed tarpaulin roofing to house a big food court offering Filipino and Southeast Asian cuisines.

The entire project is an undertaking by a consortium of Singaporean, Malaysian, Chinese and Australian investors led by the China Oceanis Group Ltd (COGL). Under the agreement between the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA, owner of the Manila Boardwalk) and the COGL, the consortium is given a 25-year lease to some parts of the PTA-owned Manila Boardwalk for which it will pay a yearly rent of P16.5 million with an upward adjustment every five years, and with COGL assuming all the costs for building the park's entire facilities. COGL will also be responsible for cleaning the murky waters around the Manila Boardwalk since a swimming area and snorkeling activities are planned to be created in the park.

This project is hailed as a major coup for the entire country because it is expected to enhance local and foreign tourism, as well as generate jobs for some 2,000 Filipinos. The project is also expected to pave the way for further infrastructure development within the country.


posted by Señor Enrique at 10:28 AM | 35 comments


Now, here's a bit of good news: Mayor Alfredo Lim has issued a statement on Saturday saying that "it is high time that the city government revive efforts to restore the old Metropolitan Theater to its old grandeur."

Moreover, the mayor announced the creation of a six-man committee that will study the efforts, to be co-chaired by former Kapisanan ng mga Artista ng Pelikulang Pilipino (KAPP) head German Moreno (otherwise known as Kuya Germs) and Lim’s chief-of-staff, Ric de Guzman. Manila Vice Mayor Isko Moreno, on the other hand, will be its vice chairman, while Councilor Edward Maceda, Laguna Rep. Dan Fernandez and historian Ambeth Ocampo its members.

And although the theater is owned by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), the Manila City government, according to Lim, is willing to ask big companies to lend financial support to the project.

The 'Manila Metropolitan Theatre, designed by Juan M. de Guzman Arellano, was built in 1935. The sculptures in its façade and in the lobby were created by Francesco Riccardo Monti, an Italian sculptor who lived in Manila from 1930 until his death in 1958. The theater was completely destroyed during the Battle of Manila in 1945, but was reconstructed after the war. Unfortunately, it fell into decay after years of neglect and disuse, but was restored and reopened to the public. It was eventually closed in 1996.

The current on-going renovation
of this landmark theater is funded by a P50 million grant from the National Commission on the Arts and Culture, and is overseen by Richard Tuason-Sanchez Bautista, NCCA architect-in-residence.


Related link: The Conservation of The Metropolitan Theater


posted by Señor Enrique at 6:19 AM | 18 comments

Sunday, September 23, 2007


The current issue of i-Mag Photography Magazine (Vol 1 Number 10) features the winners of its Photo Challenge of the Month: Still Life. My photo of a guitar and flute, which I've entitled Duet 2 was selected as the Second Place winner.

I had previously posted it as the accompanying photo to my entry, On New Music.

Thank you, i-Mag!


posted by Señor Enrique at 6:25 PM | 23 comments

Saturday, September 22, 2007


"Take your light and take your love into the world as the only weapons
that we need to make this world truly glorious, truly beautiful,
and astonish all of life."
-- Hafsat Abiola

* * *

For all shutterbugs, check out:

Adorama's 100 Photography Tips in 100 Days

* * *

posted by Señor Enrique at 1:18 PM | 4 comments

Friday, September 21, 2007


He was the sixth child in our family whom we fondly nicknamed Taba because he was always chubby. More significantly, though, he was my best friend and true ally. Today is his birthday; sadly, he passed away about five years ago. I miss him to this day.

Rather than mope around the house, I decided to drive out to Manila Bay and take some sunset shots. I thought this would be the best way for me to celebrate his birthday, and although I was alone, I didn't feel lonely. On the contrary, I had a good time shooting. It was as if Taba was out there hanging out with me, while I was busily choosing and composing a series of shots.

When I was done shooting, I called a couple of friends to meet me. I treated them to a nice dinner. They didn't even realize that it was to celebrate my brother Taba's birthday. And as soon as I got home, I immediately grabbed my laptop to transfer my shots and to select two to post in Taba's honor. Here they are.

Happy birthday, Taba!


posted by Señor Enrique at 11:11 PM | 27 comments


This photograph was taken quite serendipitously one weekend afternoon while I was walking around the city. It has become one of my personal favorites, for It's reminiscent of the many Saturdays when my father used to take me along with him to his office.

And although the young boy's father in this photograph struggled with a tire problem, the boy must have simply regarded it a minor inconvenience, for what was more important for him, I'm sure, was the chance to spend a Saturday with his father -- to ride along on his jeepney and enjoy the many colorful sights and characters that Manila has to offer.

Eventually, for this young boy, the day's experiences will become treasured memories that will remain with him throughout his life -- to be fondly recalled and shared with his friends and children someday. Who knows? He may even become the next generation Senor Enrique.

Have a wondrous weekend everybody!


posted by Señor Enrique at 8:20 AM | 14 comments

Thursday, September 20, 2007


If American babies tend to resemble President Eisenhower, well, Filipino babies certainly look like Chairman Mao. This is Princess, my friend's four-month-old baby.

About a ton of pictures of Princess must already have been taken by my friend and his wife with their phone camera; however, they can only have them printed as wallet-sized photos. That is because anything larger will compromise the quality of the image. So I suggested that we take some photos of Princess with my dSLR, the shots from which they can have printed in any size they want.

Although it requires the patience of a saint, I enjoy taking baby pictures the most, because no matter how good or bad the shot, the awesome ethereal charms of the infant will always stand out.


posted by Señor Enrique at 7:35 AM | 34 comments

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Exactly a week ago today, I rushed over to Quiapo without even having breakfast. It was because of Unang Hirit's announcement that the issuance of the verdicts on the perjury and plunder cases against former president Joseph Estrada was to be telecast live on Mercury Drug's giant electronic monitor at Plaza Miranda.

So I thought this would be the ideal location for me to document the crowd's reaction to the verdict. After all, the Estrada camp claims the full support of about a third of our population; therefore, I assumed a huge crowd of supporters would be there.

Now, as we all know, Plaza Miranda is that public square in front of Quiapo Church, a popular site for political rallies. It was also the scene of a tragic incident: in August 21, 1971 during the Liberal Party's Miting de Avance, a bomb exploded which claimed eight lives, while another hundred people sustained serious injuries, all of them civilians.

This precious square of real estate also became etched into our national consciousness as the ultimate political soapbox when
President Ramon Magsaysay famously remarked, “Can we defend it in Plaza Miranda?”

On the other hand, Mercury Drug Store's electronic billboard is the first of its kind in the Philippines with two wall mounted, high resolution, ultra bright light emitting diode (LED) display screen. Hence, I thought this would make a superb backdrop when photographing the peoples' reaction and show of support.

But alas! On that particular day, not a single soul in Plaza Miranda seemed to care; no one even bothered to look up on the giant monitor for an update throughout the entire telecast. Neither was there a huge contingent of Estrada supporters standing vigil and petitioning for the Black Nazarene's auspicious intervention.

Moreover, when the verdict was finally issued -- acquittal for perjury and conviction on two out of four counts of plunder -- the people in Plaza Miranda remained oblivious, except to their own personal errands and businesses that seemed to demand their utmost attention.

I finally left the plaza around one o'clock in the afternoon. Soon thereafter, a torrential rainfall hit the city causing flash flooding all over the place. The following day, I heard that Estrada's loyalists perceived those two hours of heavy downpour as a sign of "heaven weeping for such an unfair verdict."

Be that as it may, the following photographs basically provide a glimpse of how people went about their way on that particular Wednesday morning at Plaza Miranda.


posted by Señor Enrique at 2:49 PM | 20 comments

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


She's fondly referred to as Mommy Rose. The go to person for anything silver -- necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, belt buckles and etc. Her stall is located right on the sidewalk of Claro M. Recto Avenue near Florentino Torres Street -- comprised simply of a single cabinet, a showcase of her glittering collections.

Most image-conscious high schoolers lust after these silver jewelries and accessories despite the risk of getting mugged by the bigger boys in school or by some petty thieves and snatchers that lurk the streets of Manila. And almost always, these young customers would scrimp and save from their already minimal allowances for several months, while others would nag their parents to buy them a piece as birthday or holiday gifts. And once they have the money, off to Mommy Rose they go.

Although she hardly qualifies as Manila's answer to Jacob the Jeweler
(since she only deals with silver) what fuels Mommy Rose's continued local popularity -- besides the deep discounts she gives to her young customers -- is the spellbinding air about her that most high school boys would want for themselves. She's definitely a vivacious spirit who frequents Malate's hip hop clubs decked out in pricey Fubu sportswear, Nike sneakers, and a bunch of glittering bling-blings.

Without a doubt, she projects a likewise shimmering image of excess and ostentatious cool that most teenage boys, enamored by Manila's hip hop culture, would want to emulate.


posted by Señor Enrique at 7:08 PM | 37 comments

Monday, September 17, 2007


Along Avenida Rizal, nestled between the giant poster vendor and a sidewalk manicurist, is this dapper masseur who soothes those feeling weary from Manila's daily grind, or from the tolls of getting on with the years. And for an hour's worth of therapeutic kneading and squeezing, be prepared to shell out about 100 to 200 pesos.

I haven't had a chance to experience his healing hands, but had sought comfort from the blind masseurs of the malls and Rizal Park who are usually situated far from the path of the strolling crowd. I find this more pleasant as compared to the spot where this masseur of Santa Cruz does his work, which is right on the busy sidewalk of Avenida Rizal. I don't think I'd be comfortable enough to sit there half naked for a good hour or so. Besides, Manila has enough appalling sights without my adding to it; not to mention that I can get arrested for appearing in public without a shirt on (a city ordinance jump-started by the officials of Marikina).

Anyway, the abundance of affordable expert masseurs in Manila is a blessing. Unlike in New York in which such service comes with a steep price. Practically almost every Manilenyo I know has a personal masseur or masseuse (referred to locally as manghihilot), or goes to a massage parlor in the neighborhood or in the mall. My mother and sister has someone who comes to the house on a regular basis; I must admit, she's good. On the couple of occasions that I had asked her to give me a massage, she got rid of my annoying muscular aches or stiff neck after only an hour's session.

Speaking of stiff neck, next time I get one, I might try this dashing masseur of Santa Cruz. I'm sure I need not take off my T-shirt just for that.


posted by Señor Enrique at 8:35 PM | 23 comments

Sunday, September 16, 2007


The colors in these photographs recently taken at the Orchidarium remind me of Christmas. But then again, even without these images, as always during this time of the year in Manila, the spirit of the holiday season has already started to assault everyone's senses -- from the malls' loudspeaker systems that blare holiday carols to TV news personalities who duly warn the public of pickpockets and con artists now that the so-called ber months are upon us.

I was made aware of the meaning behind this phrase "ber months" when I moved back to Manila. It refers to the final four months of the year; the names of which end with the syllable "ber." Therefore, according to local culture, September is deemed an acceptable start of the Christmas season shopping frenzy (its equivalent in the States would be the Friday after Thanksgiving Day).

Although the upside of this uniquely-Filipino phenomenon is that it expands the holiday spirit of peace and goodwill toward men, its downside, however, is the additional stress that it gives to the average Filipinos who are already
coping with financial constraints. Imagine their agony of having to endure an even larger sombre cloud that hovers above them for an even longer amount of time.

n all honesty, I am among those ambivalent about this ber months mentality; if anything, it mainly promotes commercialization of what is supposedly a highly spiritual time of the year; not to mention that it was only the business community that may have midwifed this silly but lucrative idea. Nonetheless, if you're one of those who get the creeps at the onset of these ber months, try doing what I do -- don't believe the hype. Instead, keep in mind what Susan Polis Schutz said:

“This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.”

In other words, only nurture empowering thoughts and feelings.

Wishing y'all a wonderful Sunday and great week ahead!


posted by Señor Enrique at 7:29 AM | 18 comments

Friday, September 14, 2007



posted by Señor Enrique at 9:50 PM | 18 comments

Thursday, September 13, 2007



posted by Señor Enrique at 8:19 AM | 58 comments

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


TIME - Marcos' Martial Law - Without warning, police squads late last week walked into Manila's newspaper offices and broadcast stations, ordered staffers to leave and posted announcements Stating THIS BUILDING IS CLOSED AND SEALED AND PLACED UNDER MILITARY CONTROL.

Domestic air flights were grounded and overseas telephone operators refused to accept incoming calls. Finally, after several hours of mystifying silence, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos went on nationwide radio and TV to proclaim a state of martial law. Civil government would be continued, he said, but campuses would be closed. Restrictions on travel, the press and communications would remain in force until the government dealt with "a conspiracy to overthrow the government."

It was a drastic step; martial law had never before been imposed in the Philippines, despite the country's long history of social and political violence. And yet, though troops took up positions all over Manila, there were few other visible signs of emergency. Nightclubs, casinos and movie theaters remained open; shoppers were out in their usual numbers the next day. Filipinos accepted the measures calmly, even cynically, for they had been widely anticipated.

Only two weeks ago, in an atmosphere of rapidly increasing belligerence between the Marcos regime, its political opposition and a burgeoning Philippine revolutionary movement, the President warned that he would not hesitate to assume emergency powers if he deemed them necessary. He finally did so six hours after an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate one of Marcos' chief aides, Defense Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile. As the Secretary was heading home from his office in Manila, a carload of gunmen intercepted his car and riddled it with 30 shots; Enrile, who was riding with security men in a second car, was unhurt. The gunmen escaped unidentified.

Read complete article here.

Hotmanila - What Martial Law was like - In 1972 Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law with Proclamation 1081. He did it, he said, to save the Republic and to create what he called a "New Society." A whole generation of Filipinos now exists which only has the faintest recollection -- if at all -- of the Marcos dictatorship. Kids, this is what you missed. Perhaps it's what you should pass on when you have kids of your own.

The lies. The biggest lie -- the mother lie -- was that Martial Law was imposed for the good of the people. It was not. It was imposed for the good of the Marcoses and their cronies, to keep them in wealth and unassailable power forever and ever amen. Marcos was a congenital liar: he lied about the state of emergency. He lied about his ill-gotten wealth ("what ill-gotten wealth?", he would ask amusedly."Tell you what, if you can find it we'll split it". Shows how reliable his word was). He lied about his war medals (almost all of them were fake), he lied about his father's wartime heroics (it turned out Marcos Sr was a collaborator executed by the guerrillas), he lied about his health. He lied about holding free elections and dismantling Martial Law. He lied and lied and lied. This was the man Joseph Estrada wanted to give a hero's burial.

The fear. Anybody could be picked up at anytime for any reason by the military or the police. You could wind up a detainee, or you could just vanish, a "salvage" victim. If you protested against the government, you were labeled a "subversive" or a "communist" or both and you were summarily arrested. People the government didn't like were tailed by security elements, their telephones tapped. A student who spoke up to Imee Marcos was murdered. No two words were more invoked and abused for the purposes of oppression than "national security." People were afraid to speak out. Marcos logic being what it was, the silence meant the people were happy.

The injustice. Only Marcos and his cronies, who plundered the economy, were protected by the law. Nobody else was. Arbitrary arrest, detention, salvaging and torture were the standard. The Defense Minister -- a man named Juan Ponce Enrile -- said in 1982: "We presume that priests and nuns charged with subversive activities are guilty until the courts decide whether they are guilty or not." On one occasion the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, someone named Enrique Fernando, servilely held an umbrella over Imelda Marcos' head.

Read complete article here.

Martial Law Memorial Hall
located between
Manila City Hall and Universidad de Manila


posted by Señor Enrique at 6:52 AM | 23 comments

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


According to Reinerio Albais, a poet and essayist, if Michelangelo had the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling as the showcase of his awesome artistic skills, Carlos “Botong” Francisco, a National Artist for Visual Arts, has Manila City Hall as his.

In the anteroom of the Mayor’s Office is where Botong's mural of many parts can be found. Considered by many as his obra maestra, this mural captures a visual history of the City of Manila and the country. Albais further claims that the
lyrical and heroic style of this particular Botong mural subsequently inspired a “school” after his death in 1969.

Another city hall treasure, one of the most recognizable landmarks in Manila, is the building's clock tower in which foreign engineers from Italy and Switzerland were once tasked to restore its mechanism to give an accurate and synchronized time.

According to Reynaldo Gatchalian, the city hall’s building superintendent and maintenance officer, there were many clock repair crews who attempted to revive the clock. Despite its repair, electromechanical disorders kept stalling the clock’s mechanism. It was finally repaired when P100,000 worth of local spare parts were installed. Moreover, in the previous administration's attempt to make the city hall clock tower a lure for tourists, an elevator was put up to transport sightseers to the clock, which is located at the 11th floor of the City Hall tower.

So there you go, folks -- two very interesting reasons to go and visit the city hall of Manila.


posted by Señor Enrique at 7:46 AM | 20 comments

Monday, September 10, 2007


I don't usually watch television all that much, though whenever my set is on, it's always tuned in to either ANC or CNN; hence my TV acts more like a radio with visuals. However, during the past two weeks or so, I've had the opportunity to catch HBO's Entourage by chance. And guess what? I like it.

Entourage is an Emmy Award-winning original series created by Doug Ellin that chronicles the rise of a young movie star, Vincent Chase, along with his childhood friends from Queens, New York City
as they ingratiate themselves into the in crowd of Hollywood's power culture. The show's premise is loosely based on Mark Wahlberg's experiences as an up-and-coming movie star. As we may remember, Mark Wahlberg started out as a hip-hop artist Marky Mark and has since become one of Hollywood's bankable actors.

Aside for its fine cast and script, I also enjoy Entourage simply for its traces of my two favorite films about Hollywood's intriguing behind-the-scene movie-making culture: 1) Robert Altman's The Player (1992) which stars Tim Robbins as a hotshot film producer with God-like powers to get any movie made, but who gets derailed by a disgruntled screenwriter; and 2) George Huang's vitriolic debut film, Swimming with Sharks (1994) that features a standout performance by Kevin Spacey as a brash studio executive who is remorseless for his contemptuous treatment of his staff. Two well-crafted films, indeed.

My only problem with Entourage is that I have absolutely no idea when it is regularly shown, and this explains the chance process of my seeing its episodes. But for those who have seen it and have become avid followers as well, may I recommend checking out The Player and Swimming with Sharks. I'm quite certain you'll love these movies, too.


posted by Señor Enrique at 7:06 AM | 8 comments

Sunday, September 09, 2007


In Manila, a penthouse duplex apartment in that white building facing the bay would be the ideal abode, all right. Oh, well ... just dreaming out loud in this rainy Sunday evening.

How about you? Where would you consider to be your perfect dwelling, or do you already live in one?


posted by Señor Enrique at 9:16 PM | 26 comments

Life in Manila as observed by a former New Yorker who with a laptop and camera has reinvented himself as a storyteller. Winner of the PHILIPPINE BLOG AWARDS: Best Photo Blog in 2007 and three Best Single Post awards in 2008.


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Location: Manila, Philippines

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